Cutting Body Fat
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The most beneficial for the very anti-ageing mechanism is autophagia where the body has the chance to focus on cleaning damaged cells rather than focusing on digestion.
We’re going to talk about how to drop one size and one week guaranteed okay there are five things you need to focus on we’re taking all the best strategies and putting them together.
#1 A strategy that uses intermittent fasting
Because every time you eat you raise instantly the insulin. Insulin is the common nominator between whether you’re going to lose weight or not. Lose weight whether you’re going to burn fat or not burn fat. So if there’s an incident of high insulin forget about losing weight.
We’re not talking about less calories, less meals, or less infrequent, this is going to help you reduce insulin and help you lose weight.
However I’m going to recommend two meals/day.
Some people do 1 meal a day. I am sure you can do that too. But let’s take it slowly, ok?
You can spread the meals out equally, maybe in the late morning for eg12.00 am12.00am and then for dinner, but no snacking in between because we don’t want to raise the insulin. When you eat protein 3 to 6 oz not too much just enough a large amount of vegetables cause we need that since we get into fat burning process. We need to flesh all that fat out of our system and not overwhelm the body. Check the audiobook here
Like a high protein diet was doing a moderate motor protein a little bit smaller amount was actually doing a lot of vegetables and we’re going to add some fat. It’s almost impossible to do this without adding some fat.
Why? Because fat is one of the only foods that will not raise insulin too much and if we can actually eat fat it’s going to go longer even though there are more calories. But we don’t care about that, we care about insulin resistance and we want to keep it slow. This is a really good combination of what to eat in case we have some protein the vegetable fat is all-important to add but NO SNACKS JUST TWO MEALS.
#2 Sleep
Fat burning occurs mostly when you are in deep sleep.
You cannot do this with 5-6 hours of sleep like you’ve done it in your youth!
You need 8 hours minimum now even if you have to get an app that’s totally fine if you can do that but we need to go for 8 hours. There are two things I like to do to enhance my sleep
I sit down and listen to myself, and meditate before bed
I use this, a natural supplement to help me sleep
it’s a dream for all-night formula and is all-natural, very powerful doesn’t have any melatonin, it basically supports the adrenal gland. Normally I take 3-4 before bed to really get that 8 hours of sleep. You won’t feel groggy you wake up feeling refreshed and it will enhance your sleep.
#3 Stress
If you’re going through stress it’s going to be a barrier because stress activates the hormone called cortisol that blocks the fat burning
What do we want to do? We want to list all your stressors, to be related, to avoid those people who make us angry and upset for one week; and you’re going to find it surprisingly you will actually lose more weight because if you keep running into this situation over with these stressful people it’s not helpful.
I also recommend not watching the news for one week!
Watch a comedy, read a book. Because we don’t want to interfere that have the stress interfering with asleep, we don’t want that negativity. Then we want to do long walks
Walking is really good and just getting some fresh air for eg walking your beloved pets, that’s what we’re going to do to distress. There are a lot of other things but this will be helpful and also help sleeping more will help stress as well.
#4 Exercise
You want to do high-intensity interval training.
That means that you want to work the whole body right. For eg I do a combination of weightlifting, I do stairs climbing, and I do deadlifts which strengthen good posture.
You want to find something that fits your interest, to do something really high for instance, full body upper and lower body short duration high intensity, but only do that every two days. Why? Because we want to get that recovery, all the benefits from exercise happen in recovery. We don’t want to do it every day unless you’re really in shape and even every other day might not be the best thing if you’re suffering from sleep and stress.
Is really a kind of a juggle. But twice I mean I’ve taken people to decrease the frequency of their workouts and help them lose a lot more weight and it’s quite interesting how that it’s counter-intuitive, but it works.
On the days you’re not working out, go for long walks. That’s what you’re going to do with your exercise