Better than Anything,  Exercise,  Fitness

Be Better Than This Body

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the best

Have you ever wondered how it is to be the best…. it is a bit impossible. I would say NO! Because YOU, yes you, are better than this flesh and blood called by humanity, body.

Is well known that we all try to eat fresh healthy food, as regularly as we can. But in lockdown, it’s quite probable not to follow healthy habits. Why? Because temptation is all around at every corner, what’s worst….. visually.

So, let’s say you establish a daily routine. Wake up, go to the bathroom to freshen up. Get dressed or not, and have healthy breakfasts. If you have a pet maybe you go out and walk him before breakfast.  You may want to have a half-hour rest in order for the body to digest the breakfast. Then do your routine exercise, something which you are very passionate about it. Yoga, or fitness, or pilates, or combined. You have to be persistent.


You have to command the body what to do. By practising regularly you enhance the well-being of the mind and spirit. 15-45 minutes should be enough. Hydrate yourself if you feel. Sweating is a good sign that exercises are working.

Check this here

and also this amazing book by David.D.Burns Feeling great

When you start to smile and feel energizing from the inside out this is the sign that you’re ready for the day.  For the rest of your day. Even for just half of the day, you’ll be revigorated, energized, full of joyful spirit, and invincible against the nocive world.

To summarise

YOU can have the body you want even if the outside doesn’t compare to the likes of  Miley Cyrus’s new image. All you need and want is up to your will, your desire.

How you feel inside will be a reflection on your outside.

Keep this as your mindset philosophy 

To your well-being always


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I feel awesome in my skin and I love to be here, on Earth! I love all animals. And I love to take care of this body the only one I will ever have. Obviously, as everyone else I love money, and the feeling of security gives. I looove to help everyone and every living been. This was until I get half-century. I am here because I can't be any more anyone's slave but JUST MY OWN boss. In my life I got enough bullying, discrimination and persecution. Enough is enough! Anyone should respect the piece of God/Universe I am! I understand now why I am here. I am here to learn and carry out the knowledge I gather in this life. To the higher self! Loving the body and the other light souls is the only important thing on this Earth. Wish I can say different but this is true. Because of this, I've done everything for the well-being of this body. Well, at least I've tried to do. I cherish this body that has been given to me and I make everything for my well-being. I lionize exercising in my own comfort every single day. In the past, I've taught classes like yoga, fitness and pilates. You don't have to look like a top model or VIP as J.LO to be able to do this, no no no!


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